From image capture to final image
Ive posted this image to show just how much detail can be found in an unprocessed image that I shot at a wedding a couple of years ago and how different it can look from image capture to final image.But first a little background information on how I got to shoot the entrance of the bride from such an unusual point of view. The wedding had become a little (!) delayed by almost 35 mins. As the time was ticking away and the vicar was getting more and more agitated - he had another wedding at 3pm - having had a look around I saw that it was possible to include the clock in an image of the bride and her father walking up the aisle by hanging over the balcony a little and using a medium wide angle lens.I already had plenty of shots of the bride and her father outside, and knew that provided they walked through the middle of the aisle there was a good chance of a different image than usual.However, there's not much that can be done when a videographer decides that he needs to go in close even though I'd mentioned that I'd like him to keep out of the shot ! So in the final image I had to clone him out and add some darkened area to mask him out of the shot. I had no idea that the reflection of the bride would be caught in the clock face until I saw the image later in the editing - a bonus !! All that was done other than removing Mr Videographer was to straighten the lines a little bit and bring out the details of the dress and the reflection in the clock face. You could argue that the wires could also be taken out but I don't think that it makes any difference to story of the bride being 35 minutes late - the videographer just spoils the image although in a purist sense it does tell the story more truthfully.Although i dont like to interfere too much with an image there are times when some careful processing can make a lot of difference from image capture to final image that is delivered to the client.